A weekend Zen and Nature | Trier, June 2013

In June 2013 after a zazen-night on the occasion of summer solstice, we walked in the morning in the protected natural reserve, “Mattheiser Wald“ to collect and get acquainted with edible plant’s.

Isolde Schnorbach, ecologist, explained the ecology of some plants and which of them can be used for soup, salad, vegetable, drinks, etc.


We concentrated on simple species to get to know plants with typical features and attributes. After the walk we took the plants we had collected and prepared a small energy-drink in the dojo of Trier.

We finished the weekend with a get-together.


Recipe for an energy-drink

If you want trying the energy-drink, our drink was made with following plant’s :

Aegopodium podagraria (academic name), Taraxacum officinale (english: common dandelion), Stellaria media (english: chickweed), Alliaria petiolata (english: garlic mustard), Bellis perennis (english: daisy), Glechoma hederaceum (english: ground ivy) plus strawberries or more fruits of the season, 1 banana and water. Stevia rebaudiana makes it sweet (Stevia is like sugar, but it is not fattening and has no calorie. In Germany we can get Stevia in the pharmacy).

You put it all in a blender, when it is reduced in small pieces it is ready. Fill it in glasses and drink.


Used as a sauce in yoghurt or quark, is also very tasty.


Literature for German speaking people: Gisela Tubes (2012): Nutzbare Wildpflanzen. Verlag Quelle und Meyer.

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